About Us


Stratpoint will be the premier provider of digital enterprise solutions in Southeast Asia by 2020.


  • To enable digital transformation through our expertise in technology.
  • To be an employer of choice by providing mentorship for professional and personal growth.
  • To be a source of pride to our shareholders by delivering outstanding value on their investment.

Our Expertise

We are a Digital Transformation Enabler:

  • Deployed the first serverless microservices architecture in the Philippines using AWS Lambda
  • Implemented an enterprise grade website using ReactJS and Redux on AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) for fast, simple and scalable web applications
  • Applied Testing Automation to Client’s Core system to ensure consistency and stability of an evolving system

Our Manifesto

Excellence beyond Measure
11/10. We believe that customers deserve the highest quality of cloud products and services. We go beyond “that will do” to achieve “that is great!”.

Team Work. We believe that it takes a team to create great customer experiences. We value respect, accountability, and teamwork both for our team and customers.



Entrepreneurial. We believe that great products and services are delivered from continuous research and development. We move away from being stagnant to continuous innovation to face challenges.

Always Ready
Competent and Fast. We believe that competency accelerates delivery and quality of products and services. We value training and collaborative learning to meet customer needs.



Top Management

Dado Banatao | Investor & Adviser
A Silicon Valley visionary with $100 billion of market value.
He is credited with having accelerated the PC industry by developing the

  • first system logic chip set;
  • the local bus concept;
  • the first Windows graphics accelerator chip..

Paco Sandejas, Ph.D. | Executive Chairman
Acquired Sequel Solution in 2005 and rebrand to Stratpoint
Managing Partner at Narra Venture Capital
Ph.D. from Stanford University

Mary Rose dela Cruz | CEO
25 years of experience in IT Consultancy Industry
Masters Degree from Macquarie University

Cary Santos | Head of Delivery
20 years of experience in IT Consultancy Industry
Performed a wide range of roles from Architecture to Executive position


Cloud Team

Sonny Carlos
Head of Cloud Business

Altair Penaredondo
Cloud Technical Head

Kevin Ventura
DevOps Lead

Yukari Abe
Sales & Marketing